Incorporating a Business in Khmelnytskyi
Set up a business in Khmelnytskyi consists of several standard actions, such as drafting the Chapter of association, the specimen signatures and some other special forms provided by the company registration office in Khmelnytskyi and Khmelnytskyi Oblast (region). Documents must be translated in Ukrainian before submitted with the Company Register.
Company incorporation in Khmelnytskyi also requires a bank account and a registered office. All these activities must be completed in order to set up a company in Khmelnytskyi.
A new company needs to make a seal before it opens a bank account. All new legal entities and entrepreneurs are required to be registered with the Khmelnytskyi Center of Administrative services.
The most usual forms of doing business in Khmelnytskyi region are:
- LLC (limited liability company), in Ukraine it is call – TOV.
- Joint Stock Company (where different stocks can be bought and owned by shareholders).
- individual entrepreneur (Self-Employed Person).
Foreign investors contemplating carrying out active business operations may choose to establish a
legal entity in Ukraine, instead of opting for a representative office.
If our client chooses to do business in Khmelnytskyi in a form of a legal entity, he could choose any type of it.
If you want to set up a new company in Khmelnytskyi, the following documents are required:
- application form (registration card);
- decision of the founders or an authorized body on incorporation of the new legal entity;
- two copies of a charter;
- document confirming the state registration of the participants, if the participant is a nonresident legal entity (extract from register).
Address: Soborna Street, 11 Khmelnytskyi Ukraine 29000
Phonе: +380382708049, +380971949984, +380949814049